By milling on site, as close to the woodland as possible we remove the need for expensive specialist timber haulage.

Whether individual large trees or small parcels of harvested roundwood, our expert team will saw to your specification, providing advice on how to make the most efficient use of each log, storage and seasoning.

Our day rate is very competitive and for these costs you should expect to get a return of 2 -3 times the value in sawn timber depending upon the quality of the roundwood resource.

Our Peterson WPF8 portable saw mill can mill any tree, hardwood or softwood, to a length of 8m (26ft 6″) and up to a diameter of about 1.7m (5½ ft).
The largest sawn section that the Peterson is capable of milling is a beam 403mm (16″) wide by 201mm (8″) deep which is more than enough for most structural and decorative beam requirements.
We also have contract sawyers to create wider dimension material as required such as whole logs milled length-ways into boards with waney (bark) or live edges; or wide, thick sectioned ‘slab wood’ with straight or waney/live edges.
Other services
Kiln drying
We offer a kiln drying service for both soft and hard woods – let us quote for the milling and kiln drying of your timber. -
Visual stress grading & CE mark for structural timber
We are fully certified by BMTRADA to assess, grade and CE mark your hardwood and softwood timbers to current British and European standards for structural use. -
Woodland management planning & advice
We provide planning, advice and management services for woodland owners helping to secure a sustainable income from woodland whilst maintaining and enhancing a sustainable habitat for wildlife and amenity opportunities. -
Tree planting, woodland creation & design
Creating areas of new woodland can be very rewarding, but long term success relies on choosing the right species, planning where and when to plant and knowing how to plant and care for your new trees. -
Volunteer group management
Volunteers are the life-blood of environmental conservation work. People from all walks of life who are prepared to put their time and energy into making the world a better, greener place. -
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